The Romanticism of Mermaids

The romanticism of mermaids and their lore have formed part of
many a tale since the beginning of recorded time.
Many a story has been written about them and their mysticism.
These stories have traditionally evoked a feeling of wonder, peace and romance.In linking our Island Life Vibes with this romanticism we felt no one
represented the human personification of this more than
Ms. Sade Adu.
Though Sade is the name of the band, Ms. Adu has become
the look and feel for the band and their sound, a sound that evokes
the same peace, wonder and romance.
With some of our selected pieces echoing the names
of some of Sade's greatest hits, we felt this was the best way
to communicate the feelings each one of our pieces represent.
With this in mind we have put together a Playlist
of some of the best sounds from Sade.
We have also commissioned an exclusive continuous mix
curated by our friends at World Beat Lounge.
This artistic set links some of Sade's most impactful hits
with remixes and unreleased versions.
We hope it transports you from where you are
to a place of peace, wonder and romance.